Ensuring Fire Safety at Lost Horizon Handicraft: A Crucial Step for Felt Manufacturers

April 27, 2023by losthorizon0
Fire safety is a critical aspect of any workplace, and Lost Horizon Handicraft takes it seriously.


On April 27, 2023, the company conducted a fire-fighting drill at their Thankot factory to teach employees how to use ABC Powder in case of fire emergencies. The company’s commitment to the safety of its employees is commendable, and such drills can go a long way in preventing fire hazards and ensuring a safe work environment.

During the drill, the employees were given a demonstration of how to use ABC Powder effectively. They learned to aim the nozzle at the base of the fire and sweep it back and forth until the fire was extinguished. The drill emphasized the importance of staying calm and following the correct procedure during a fire emergency. This practice ensures that if an emergency occurs, the employees will know what to do, and how to do it correctly.

Lost Horizon Handicraft also chose a first responder and involved all employees in the drill to learn how to act in case of a fire. This approach ensures that everyone is aware of the potential fire hazards and knows the necessary steps to prevent or handle an emergency situation. The company understands that fire safety is a team effort, and it requires everyone’s participation.

Moreover, Lost Horizon Handicraft appointed a new security guard responsible for checking the pressure of the fire-fighting ABC Powder every month. This proactive measure ensures the availability of functioning fire-fighting equipment in case of an emergency.

Lost Horizon Handicraft has always taken the necessary steps to ensure the safety of its employees and the facility. The company’s commitment to fire safety is impressive, and such drills can go a long way in preventing fire hazards and ensuring a safe work environment. It is crucial for companies to invest in fire safety measures and regularly conduct fire-fighting drills to train employees to handle emergency situations.

Fire safety is a critical aspect that manufacturing companies like Lost Horizon Handicraft, a felt manufacturer based in Nepal, should take seriously. These companies often have a large workforce and use equipment that can pose fire hazards if not handled correctly. In addition, manufacturing processes can generate heat and flammable materials that increase the risk of fire. Hence, it is crucial to ensure that necessary fire-fighting tools are available and employees are trained to handle fire emergencies.

fire safety demonstration


Fire-safety measures suggested to us, being a felt manufacturer:

Lost Horizon Handicraft is a felt manufacturer that uses a range of equipment and materials in its production process, making it essential to have the necessary fire-fighting tools and equipment available. These tools include fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems, smoke detectors, and alarms, among others. Moreover, it is vital to conduct regular inspections to ensure that the equipment is in good working condition and replace outdated equipment if necessary.

Apart from having the necessary fire-fighting tools, training employees on fire safety is equally important. Lost Horizon Handicraft should ensure that its employees are aware of the potential fire hazards and know how to prevent or handle fire emergencies. This training should include proper handling of equipment and materials that pose fire hazards, identifying potential sources of fire, and the correct use of fire-fighting equipment.

Furthermore, Lost Horizon Handicraft should conduct regular fire drills to train its employees on the correct procedures to follow during a fire emergency. Fire drills help employees understand their roles and responsibilities during an emergency and ensure that everyone is aware of the fire exits and evacuation procedures. Regular fire drills can also help identify potential gaps in the fire safety plan and address them before an actual emergency occurs.

Thus, manufacturing companies like Lost Horizon Handicraft should prioritize fire safety in their facilities. It is essential to have the necessary fire-fighting tools and equipment available, conduct regular inspections, and train employees on fire safety procedures. Regular fire drills are also important to ensure that employees understand their roles and responsibilities during a fire emergency. By prioritizing fire safety, companies like Lost Horizon Handicraft can ensure the safety of their employees and facilities, minimize property damage, and prevent any potential loss of life in the event of a fire emergency.

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